

“我的眼不够,看你的脸; 我的眼不好,看我的人; 我不知道什么是爱,我渴望的爱是看你;” ——题记 第一次看到这句话的时候,是在网上看到有人评价《神探夏洛克》(英版)中卷福和花生这对CP时所说的话,当时便深深印象很深。所以直到很久之后,我看到《大侦探波罗》中有这么一句对白——“我最爱的莫过于我的妻子,她美丽、善良、聪颖,我眼中的她,比任何人都要可爱”——我才惊觉,原来这句话最适合形容Benedict和Martin的感情的。

在《波洛》这部剧中,我几乎可以被称之为最讨厌的角色非Moriarty莫属了,但是我想,如果真有其人的话,应该就是Thomas,而不是Moriarty,才是华生性转中最黑暗的存在。他阴郁、偏执、狂妄,他对华生说的那句 “You are the only woman I ever love.” 简直比任何情话都让人动容。 但是另一方面他又是最深情的人,他对夏洛克说 “I have loved two men in my life:my father and Sherlock Holmes. He is dead, and you are all that remains... You can never be replaced.” 当他说出这句台词的时候,我的眼睛从来没有这么湿润过。

关于Sherlock和华生的爱,我们只能从夏洛克口中说出来,听到他承认 “she is my one realiity” 还有他留给华生的那封长一点的信—— “My brain is as fit for this task as it was when we first met, though I may not seem so to you because of the lines on my face and the gray in my hair. But then, how could I expect you to understand what I am thinking或what I am feeling, after a lifetime of trying to read us through the mists of our minds? And if there were an answer to your question, would it really make any difference to either of us? For I need you, and love you with all the strength of my weak but undying heart………The time will come when we must part, and it may be soon. I want you to take care of yourself, and know that I am always with you, day or night……”

Sherlock和华生之间的爱情不是一见钟情,也不是二见倾心,而是像两棵大树彼此依靠、彼此成长,他们共同面对这个世界。 在我心中,Sherlock对华生的爱是仅次于母亲的爱。
